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Duct Fiber Cable 

Duct fiber cables are designed for pipeline or conduit installations. Ducted fiber cables are typically used in long distance telecommunications networks and utility applications where the cable needs to be protected from external elements. Pipeline fiber optic cable construction consists of optical fibers enclosed in a loose casing, strength members, waterproofing materials, an optional armoring layer, and an outer jacket. Each layer provides protection and functionality to ensure the reliability and longevity of the fiber optic cable system.

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Direct burial of cables

In the absence of a pipeline infrastructure, cables can be buried directly underground in trenches or using vibrating types.

Microtube cables

Microtubes are miniature plastic pipes that subdivide the internal space of the pipe into smaller compartments

Micro cables can be installed into these compartments by blowing, shooting or pushing.

Lead-in cables

A lead-in cable is a cable that extends from a distribution point or cable to a subscriber/customer.

Aerial Cables

These cables are suspended from poles or pylons or installed on buildings. Some

cables are self-supporting and do not require separate bearing cables between poles to support the weight of the cable.

Product Classification

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